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Tickets for services

This page will be updated in due course



Opening the Church for Public Worship Policy


For more details about the measures we are putting into place to open the church for public worship while keeping everyone as safe as possible, including arrangements for the celebration of the Eucharist/ Holy Communion, please click here.



Questions and Answers (updated 30 August 2020)

Q Why do I need a ticket for some services?
A Social distancing means our capacity is reduced. We want you to be confident that when you come to church you will be able to distance from other households, and also that you won’t be turned away because the building has reached its capacity. The best way to do this is to have a ticketing system in operation for our busier services.

Q How do I get a ticket?
A Please read the information at the top of this page.

Q What about people who aren’t online?
A Please read the information at the top of this page. Those who are not online can telephone to book a ticket, and we will keep a small amount of seating available for newcomers.


Q Do I need to sign in for school admissions?
A Parents of children who require an attendance-based reference for school admissions need to start signing the register at Sunday services from Sunday 13 September. As you leave church there will be QR code by the north door (the door through which you exit). Please scan this code using your smartphone. This will take you to a simple online form for you to complete. Please note that references from St Paul's Church will only take into account the periods up to Sunday 15 March 2020 and from Sunday 13 September 2020. For St Paul's School more information can be found on the school's website. Please direct any questions about this to Fr Daniel at or the relevant school.

Q Will the online resources continue?
A 'From Sunday 6 September we will be live-streaming the 11am Eucharist on our YouTube channel (click here)


Q Can I receive Holy Communion?
A We have put into place measures so that you can receive Holy Communion as safely as possible, which you can read here.


Q How will services be different?
A For the time being congregational singing is not permitted, but we will have music (organ and cantor) at some of our services. Services will be shorter (about 30 minutes) to allow us to have more services, and still have time to clean the church between services. The overall structure of our services will remain the same, so there will be plenty which is familiar.


Q Can I bring my children?
A Yes! For the 0915-style services we won’t be able to have children gathered at the front of church, but these services will be aimed at young children, and Fr Bear has formed a bubble with Fr Daniel, so he’ll be very much present. Sunday School will resume from Sunday 13 September, during the 10am and 11am services. Register your children when applying for tickets.


Q Will there be refreshments in the hall afterwards?
A For the time being we won’t be able to supply refreshments in the hall.


Q Will there be a WC available?
A There will be limited WC and baby-changing facilities from 6 September.


Q Where can I read about what St Paul’s is doing to make sure the church is covid-secure?
A You can read our Opening the Church for Public Worship Policy here and our Risk Assessment will be available soon too. 


Q All the changes and restrictions sound dreadful. Why should I come?
A The changes we are making are necessary to keep people safe, and are based on government and national church guidance. It’s important to remember that the important things remain the same: God is God, he makes Jesus present to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and his grace is sure.




Worshipping at Home


Download and print this order of service, which is designed to worship at home.

Click here to watch our weekly videos

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