As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
As a parish we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults extremely seriously.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer (Lynn Beecroft) and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Claire Knight) can be contacted at safeguarding@spwh.org
Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download below.
Every parish church has an Electoral Roll. This is not the same as the Electoral Register (which entitles you to vote in local and national elections), but is effectively a membership list of the church community. It's really important for two reasons:
- It provides us with an accurate estimate of the number of adults who are part of our worshipping community. This is an essential piece of data.
- Those on the electoral roll are eligible to stand for the Parochial Church Council, and can vote at the Annual Meetings.
You can join the Electoral Roll at any time. Every year, ahead of the Annual Meetings, the Electoral Roll is formally revised. For 2021 the period of revision is from 28 March until 2 May. Please fill in an Electoral Roll Application Form by 2 May if:
- You are not currently on the Electoral Roll (i.e. you're new to St Paul's, or weren't eligible to join last year)
- Your details have changed since the last revision (e.g. change of address or name)
If you're not sure whether or not you're on the Electoral Roll then you can check the copy on the noticeboard at the back of church.
Application forms are available from the box at the back of church, or you can download one here. Please complete one form per person. Completed forms should either be sent to the Parish Office (use the postbox next to the Church Hall entrance) or scanned and emailed to office@spwh.org
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am not baptised?
Only the baptised can be on the Electoral Roll. If you're due to be baptised later this year, then please complete an Electoral Roll form once you've been baptised.
How do I know if I'm 'resident in the parish'?
The parish of St Paul, Winchmore Hill is a geographical area which, although quite large, is a slightly strange shape, and the eastern border of which is surprisingly close to the church. You can find out which parish you are resident in by using your postcode on achurchnearyou.com. If you live in the parish, and you are a member of the Church of England (or a church in communion with the Church of England), then tick box 2A.
What if I don't live in the parish?
Many people who worship at St Paul's live in a different parish. If you don't live in the parish, but you worship regularly at St Paul's, and you are a member of the Church of England, then tick box 2B. (You can also join the Electoral Roll of the parish where you are resident, even if you never worship there, but few people bother!)
What are 'churches in communion with the Church of England'?
This includes all churches of the Anglican Communion, plus a few more. For the full list click here.
What if I am not a member of the Church of England, or a church in communion with the Church of England?
If you are baptised in another church/denomination (e.g. Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Methodist) but worship regularly at St Paul's, then tick box 2C.
How can I have 'habitually attended public worship' when the church was closed because of Covid-19?
This counts as a reason why you were 'prevented from doing so'. Just write 'Covid-19' in the space provided on the form.